


Welcome to fokusnatur

Wildlife photography is my passion. For more than 15 years I have been out and about with my camera , trying to tell stories with my pictures. Stories from the wild, often right on my doorstep, but also from overseas.

More about me

Luchs markiert an einer Markierstelle Julius Kramer, Naturfotograf

Latest Pictures

  • Eisvogel (Alcedo atthis)
  • Bienenfresser im Flug
  • Bienenfresser im Flug
  • Bienenfresser im Flug
  • Zwei Bienenfresser
  • Bienenfresser (Merops apiaster)
  • Zwei Bienenfresser
  • Bienenfresser im Flug

Blick in den Lamer Winkel im Bayerischen Wald Waldkauz blickt aus seiner Höhle im Englischen Garten, München

My Thoughts

Nature offers so much joy. It is colorful, diverse and never boring.
It is better to enjoy it and to protect the biodiversity as best it can, than running after an idealistic thought of a supposedly intact nature. Nature regulates itself - even without humans.